Movie Review


Movie Review- Courageous

Director: Alex Kendrick

Rating: – PG-13

As the police force of Albany, Georgia, attempts to stop drug smuggling in the city, the sheriff urges his four deputies to spend time with their families based on statistics that fatherless children are more likely to turn to lives of crime. The daughter of one of the Deputies is killed by a drunk driver, devastating him and his family. This begins a journey for him and his friends to reconsider their role as fathers’ even as they battle the gangs on streets.

It is an exciting and powerful story; a moving thriller with good humour although it could have been a bit shorter. Courageous beat out all three Hollywood movies which opened on the same weekend. That should inspire a watch! What sets this movie apart from Hollywood thrillers, where men usually lay it all in the balance to save their families, is the resolution these guys make to be there for their families every day of their lives. It is not a call to be heroes just in times of crisis; it is a call to be courageous fathers in the daily routine of life.

Dads, your kids need you. Spend time with them NOW before it is too late, for life is too short and unpredictable. Many children get into a mess because they did not have a caring, Courageous father to lovingly guide them.

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