Parenting Kids with Special Needs

From the editor’s desk

Special needs, differently abled, handi-capable, mentally /physically challenged, disabled… so many terms used to describe people who aren’t considered ‘normal’. What is the correct word to use? Have you ever taken time out to understand these terms or meet people with these ‘special needs’? Most times it’s us ‘normal’ people, who feel awkward when we meet someone who has a child with special needs. Do you know what to say to someone who just told you that their child has a disability? I know that I didn’t. I was never sure what was the right approach. Should one sympathize, do you console, or just say nothing?

Family Mantra’s goal in this issue is to throw some light, bring some awareness and share what families who care for these children and who live with them everyday have to say about this. How do they come to terms with the fact that their child will never have a ‘normal’ life or be able to do things that other children can do? What questions do they struggle with?

In the cover story, Palak talks about her ‘Journey of Acceptance’ as she raises her son with Down syndrome. Her story gives us deep insight into the emotions and struggles that a mother of a child with special needs goes through.

Palak’s mother, Ruby Jhunjhunwala, also shares with us her rollercoaster of emotions in ‘Mutthi -A Fistful Of Clay’ of having a grandchild with special needs. She elaborates on how she felt the need to create a space to facilitate a better understanding of special needs with standard/typical families.

Preeti Broker, as a therapist with a wealth of experience working with children with special needs shares her advice for parents when it comes to bonding with your child in ‘Parenting, with Pauses’.

Being a sibling to someone with Down syndrome was a fact for Shagun, not an aberration. There was no questioning of why he was different. In ‘Koku and Me’, Shagun gives us the heart warming tale of her role as a sister.

Kavita and Himanshu couldn’t find a single reason why they shouldn’t adopt a baby with Down syndrome. Read their heart warming story in ‘Love is a Choice’.

As a parent to a child with special needs, Deepa Garwa says she can absolutely vouch on behalf of all parents of children with special needs that they worry too much! She gives us ‘6 Practical Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living’.

As our children trudge from one planned activity to the other, they have little or no exposure to ‘free play’; hence the ‘I’m bored’ syndrome. Is that a problem, or not…Latika gives us her opinion on ‘The importance of boredom’.

How does having a child with special needs impact marriage? Shweta and Pranay tell us how their marriage has survived going through the stages of grief, denial, guilt and finally acceptance together.

Down Syndrome is like a symphony but with a slower tempo pace. Manon and Lance Howie share their touching journey through this symphony in, ‘Andante’.

“Just treat him as a normal child”. This one sentence gave Amita direction for the last 33 years of her son, Abhishek’s upbringing. ‘My Son, My Guru’, is her moving life story.

Can you see God’s glory through your child? Dr. P.C.Mathew refiects on how as a parent you must try to see how God can be glorified through your child’s special needs. And you will begin to see how things can turn out for good through this child that God brought into your life.

Sarah Abraham: Chief EditorDo you have a view you want to share on the content in this issue of the magazine? Email us at Log on to to subscribe.

In This Issue  
Cover Story:
My Journey Of Acceptance
Cover Story:
Parenting, With Pauses
Love is a Choice
Koku & Me: The Roles We Play
Mutthi: – A Fistful Of Clay
Special Needs Parents:
6 Practical Ways To Stop Worrying And Start Living
My Opinion:
The Importance Of Boredom
Book Review:
My Friend Isabelle

My Son, My Guru
Marriage Mantra:
How Does Having A Child With Special Needs Impact Marriage?
Can You See God’s Glory Through Your Child?