Stress and its Affect on Young Families

Stress and its Affect on Young FamiliesStress! A word so commonly used nowadays, probably on a daily basis. But do we fully comprehend its meaning and consequences on our mind, body and family life? In this issue, we take a deeper look at stress through insights from experienced professionals and those who have gone through immense stress themselves share how they have coped.

Riya Daniel, a psychological counselor, says “while a little stress is needed to keep one motivated and away from boredom, an excess of stress can wear one down, causing mental, physical and emotional havoc”. Read about how you can control your stress before stress controls you in the cover story ‘Fight or Flight’.

Confessions of a stressed-out mom’ tells the all too familiar story of a mother/wife/daughter trying deal with the pressure to create a perfect lifestyle. Her experience shows us the need for self- compassion; treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion, as we would treat those we care about.

Dr. Nitin Joseph provides deep insight into the effects of stress on health in his article, ‘From Distress to De-stress’. He says, “How we deal with stress will determine if we become burned out due to it or excel with it”.

The Stalker and my Ma!’ An intriguing title indeed by Chitra Jayakaran. She tells us the tale of Sita, the perfect daughter always pursuing success as her parents wanted her to but she had someone following her around filling her with doubt and fear. Will Sita ever be able escape Him?

Dr P.C.Mathew ties it all together in his ‘Reflections’ where he talks about how stress is often induced because of wanting to be in control of situations and ignoring that God cares for us. He says, ‘Let go, Let God’.

Sarah Abraham: Chief Editor

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In This Issue:
Cover Story
Fight or Flight? Control your Stress before Stress controls you!
What is wrong with me? Confessions of a stressed-out mom
Feature II
From Distress to De-stress
The Stalker and my Ma
Health Matters
Control Stress: Watch Your Weight, Take a Walk and Drink Water
Book Review
Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys
Marriage Mantra
Happily Ever After
Let Go and Let God!