
Yielded and Still

Yielded and Still
Dr. Prabhan C M
Written by Dr. Prabhan C M

After owning a property for 15 years with all necessary documentation, my sister decided to build her home on that property. Within a few days of excavation for the foundation, a person who is a known to be a trouble maker in that area stopped the work by threatening the workers, and filling the excavated portion with sand and even constructed a shed forcibly on that land. I was supposed to supervise the work as my sister lives abroad. I soon realized that the police were favoring the trouble maker and he had the influence of the local MLA. He even threatened my wife before the police Inspector. I knocked on doors of many top officials to settle the issue but the case still remains unsolved. It’s been 4 months.

In such agonizing situations when one feels so trapped and helpless and there seems to be no quick justice, it’s easy for one to get depressed. I realized I was getting aggressive and wanted to find a quick solution. I felt dejected, lonely and exhausted. But as I pondered and prayed one day about the anxious thoughts and the situations that I’m facing, God reminded me of a song which says, “ Have thine own way Lord, have thine own way, Thou art the potter and I’m the clay, Mould me and make me, After Thy will, While I am waiting, Yielded and still”. What caught my attention was the last line “Yielded and still”. It’s sometimes easier to yield to God, but often difficult to “be still”. While there are biological reasons for depression which I believe needs medical attention and treatment, there are many situations in our life which we can handle without getting into a depressed state , if we know how to be “Yielded and still”.

In my situation, I had to make a choice between allowing this situation to take over my life or allowing God to give me Justice. Though I have experienced His interventions in the past, it wasn’t an easy choice to trust God in this situation as I wanted to be in charge and in control. But running around from pillar to post, only made me more frustrated and in some sense more depressed. I’m not suggesting that one has to have a laid back attitude and not do our part, but to know there is a sovereign God who is watching and He will do His part while I wait and be still in His presence is definitely a refreshing thought and an experience of Hope.

I should also say, in this situation, reading the Bible has been so comforting and we were led to so many verses in the scripture assuring us of God’s intervention and timing. Though at this point, I don’t have a solution as yet, , I’m much more calm and relieved because I’m aware that God is molding me to be patient and He will do His part in His time and in His way . His word the Bible promises in Rom 8:28, “All things work together for good for those who love Him and have been called according to His purposes”. So I have chosen to “Be yielded and still”, as I know it is good to “Be still and Know He is God” (Ps 46:10, Bible). Wishing you all a blessed New Year, where we can learn to be more yielded and still.

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