Family Family Fun

Can I Have Your Autograph?

Can I Have Your Autograph?

This is a good after-dinner game Goofy and Active

Preparation: You’ll need questionnaires with about 15 questions on them, such as “Who didn’t eat breakfast today?” or “Who can stand on their head?”, Crayon, marker or pen

The Game: Split into pairs: a younger person with an older. Give each team a questionnaire and a crayon, marker, or pen. With your partner, walk around and get the autographs of people who match the descriptions. For example, if Sheila aunty didn’t eat breakfast, she may sign her name on your team’s questionnaire. Have each team get as many autographs as they can. (Little kids can sign with just an initial or a scribble.)

To make the game less challenging, allow each person to sign each sheet as many times as they qualify. To make it more challenging, allow each person to sign each sheet only once or twice. After everyone is done, choose a leader to collect the sheets and read each question along with the names signed next to them. “Okay, who can juggle? We’ve got . . . Uncle Karan, Monica, and Karan.” Those people then have to prove they actually can. Exaggeration and silliness is encouraged. This game is fun and easy enough for all ages, and the questions (and answers) keeps the conversation going long after the game is over.

Contributed by Mary Samuel

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