Family Fun

Family Fun Time:
Family Flag

Family Falooda: Family Flag

Here is a fun family activity you can do together and have the creative sparks flying about. Think of all the flags you see around, now make a unique family flag.

  1. You will need: 
  • A large piece of plain cotton fabric
  • Coloured pens, markers and paper
  • Coloured fabrics
  • Glue
  • Fabric paint 
  1. Get all the family members together and brainstorm ideas on what should go into the family flag and then draw it on to a paper. Think of a favourite thing, colour etc. of each of the family to be represented in the flag. Make it truly participatory of each member of the family from oldest to youngest. Make sure no one is left out and everyone contributes and owns it. Plan the design and make that a fun time.
  2. Now begin on your large piece of fabric. Get everyone – young and old – to make their mark with their special colour and object. It does not have to be perfect.
  3. Think of a family promise, verse or special family saying and add that to the fabric print.
  4. Make it as colourful and creative as possible. You may want to glue or sew extra fabric or other items on it to fill all gaps.
  5. Hang the finished flag above your front door! Have fun doing it and let it bring back beautiful memories of time together each time you look at it. Refrain from being a perfectionist or critical and spoiling the process, rather enjoy each other and the precious time together as you make the flag.

Adapted from ‘Family Falooda’ – a unique and amazing resource for young families to invest into their children’s future- written by Rod & Ruthie Gilbert with Luke & Kirti Gilbert.

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