Book Review Parenting Stress

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys

Wild Things

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys is written by authors, therapists and dads, Stephen James and David Thomas who are currently engaged in clinical work with boys and their parents and who are also fathers raising five sons.

The Mind of a Boy looks at areas of great interest to the educator: brain development and learning styles. Finally, The Heart of a Boy looks at the emotional, spiritual and moral development of a boy. What is great about the book are the concrete examples the authors gave to illustrate their key points. It is filled with stories either from the authors’ lives, from their counseling practices, or from books or movies that clearly illustrate the points being made.

The book also contains helpful sidebars addressing specific topics to discuss with your son such as sex, drugs, homosexuality, pornography, and masturbation. Each chapter ends with a “Putting the Principals into Practice” section, which offers concrete tips on how the reader can apply the principals learned in the previous chapter.

If you’re looking for practical parenting skills, these pages are filled with sound advice. Wild Things is not about taming boys, it is about celebrating their passionate spirit, their imagination, and heir hunger for adventure. It’s about coming alongside our boys and guiding them along their journey to manhood. Parents are reminded, however, that while “boys will be boys,” parents should be parents. A must read for parents of Wild Things!

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